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Types of keywords according to their length

Keywords are terms or phrases that users enter into search engines to find relevant information. In the field of digital marketing and SEO (search engine optimization), the selection and strategic use of keywords is essential to attract organic traffic and improve the visibility of a website.

Types of keywords according to their length

Keywords are terms or phrases that users enter into search engines to find relevant information. In the field of digital marketing and SEO (search engine optimization), the selection and strategic use of keywords is essential to attract organic traffic and improve the visibility of a website.

Types of keywords according to their length: A walk through the world of keywords

But not all keywords are the same. A key factor in classifying them is their length, which influences their specificity, search volume, and level of competition. Let’s look at the different types:

1. Short-tail keywords:

  • They are short terms, usually one or two words.
  • They have a high search volume, but also a high competition.
  • Examples: «marketing», «SEO», «business».

2. Mid-tail keywords:

  • They are phrases of two or three words.
  • They offer a balance between search volume and competition.
  • Examples: «digital marketing», «SEO strategies», «business development».

3. Long-tail keywords:

  • They are longer phrases, of three or more words.
  • They have a lower search volume, but also a lower competition.
  • They are usually more specific and reflect a clearer search intent.
  • Examples: «how to do digital marketing», «best SEO strategies for SMEs», «online business development courses».

My personal experience with keywords:

I remember when I started in the world of digital marketing, I was obsessed with short-tail keywords, thinking they were the key to success. Wrong! I soon realized that, although they attracted a lot of traffic, it was very difficult to stand out among the crowd of competitors.

I started experimenting with mid-tail and long-tail keywords, and found that although the search volume was lower, the traffic I attracted was of higher quality, as users had a clearer and more defined search intent. This resulted in increased conversions and a better return on investment (ROI).

In short:

Choosing the right keywords is an art and a science. There is no magic formula, but it depends on the objectives of each business, the target audience, and the market niche. The important thing is to understand the different types of keywords and use them strategically to maximize the impact of our digital marketing actions.

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